Eastbourne Registry Office Wedding Photographer Leanne and Jassim

Eastbourne Registry Office Wedding Photographer

The Eastbourne Registry Office is located within the Town Hall, a stunning listed building in the heart of town.

Leanne and Jassmim wanted an intimate wedding with just very close family present.

A rare occurrence this year, we were blessed with a hot and sunny day, as Jassim arrived with the two page boys. On Leanne’s arrival, they went off with a registrar to check over the finer details, prior to the ceremony.

I love working with the Eastbourne Registrars. I shoot all over the UK and have to say that they are probably the very team i have had the pleasure to work with. Always friendly and accommodating, they make my life so easy, as i am allowed to get on with creating natural documentary wedding images without any hassle at all.

Leanne was given away by her father and the wonderful light in the upstairs ceremony room enable me to effortlessly capture the important moments of the ceremony. After the formalities, i then spent a few minutes creating some relaxed images of Jassim and Leanne on the staircase. The main stairwell is simply dramatic and very grand and i love working there, always looking for a different angle to the images.

After a few family groups on the front steps of the Town Hall, we drove to the very pretty Manor Gardens in Gildredge Park by the Old Town for some more informal images of the happy couple and Leanne’s family.

Below are a few of my favourite moments, all created on my amazing Nikon D3s camera with the trusty 24-70 2.8 lens.

You can view my extensive wedding portfolio here.

Documentary Wedding Photographer

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