Headland Hotel Newquay Workshop

Headland Hotel Newquay Workshop

How to Shoot a Wedding



Wedding Photography Workshop Monday 22nd June 2015


I am very excited to announce that i have been approached to hold my very special Wedding Photography Workshop in Cornwall in June.

As one of the most sought after wedding photographers in the UK, i love to be able to share my ideas and teach some of the skills i have developed over my 18 year and almost 900 wedding career.


The course is being held at the dramatic and beautiful Headland Hotel Newquay, Cornwall. View the venue’s website here.

As there will be a substantial proportion of the course dedicated to the practical side with plenty of live shooting its perfect as it offers inside and, weather permitting, outside opportunities . I love shooting winter weddings in low light and indoors so i will be demonstrating how i approach these challenging scenarios.


Monday 22nd June 2015 (9.30am-4.30pm or until we finish)

It’s the perfect time to expand your skills!

The Day

This is a totally new workshop where I will walk you through how to shoot the major parts of a wedding. Step by step using our lovely bride, I will set up scenarios and explain how I would approach it and how to avoid potential pit falls on a real wedding day.

Delegates will have an opportunity to shoot their own images at each step.

Peter Prior Wedding Photographer Sussex Surrey Kent Hampshire Lo

What’s included

The personal tuition and attention of renowned, multi award winning Peter Prior ABIPP.

Coffee and lunch

Opportunity to photograph our fabulous bride for yourself under Peter’s guidance

Access to Peter’s actual sample albums

A no holds barred insight into Peter’s work close up and in detail

An ego free day full of honesty with none of the “smoke and mirrors” you hear at some other courses

Complimentary membership into a private online training community

Strictly limited numbers to ensure you get the maximum out of the day

Peter Prior Wedding Photographer Sussex Surrey Kent Hampshire Lo

What’s covered

Peter’s career background

A walk through in detail of one of Peter’s complete weddings.

Composition, exposure, lighting, posing, groups, dealing with challenging situations and creating documentary/natural images that flatter and stand out from the crowd

Story telling


Large practical element with live shooting with a bride

Plenty of opportunity to shoot your own images under Peter’s watchful eye


Savoy Weddings

Savoy Weddings




£195 per delegate.

Remember the cost of the course is all tax deductible for your business!

How do you book

To book your place on this course please call Peter on 01323 486837 or email info@peterprior.com.

Payment is required in full at the time of booking and we accept Cheques, cash or BACs payment (please ask for details)

Here’s what Louise Fullbrook, who has attended a couple of my workshops had to say after the last one.

“This has been, without a doubt, the best workshop I have attended during my 10 years of photography. Throughout the past ten years I have enjoyed photography as a hobby and I am now running a very successful newborn and family portrait business. You have given me so much help and advice.This was my second workshop and first one 2 one focussing on both practical and business. I now feel much more confident with the camera and I am sure I have saved a small fortune just knowing what sample products etc would enhance my business. Thank you so much for sharing many years experience and helping others. I would thoroughly recommend your work shops to any one looking for advice or improvement in both technique and business planning”


Wedding Photography Training

You can see my wedding portfolio here and portrait website here.

Please like my Facebook Page here or follow me on Twitter (@PeterPrior).

Wedding Photography Training
