East Sussex Wedding and Portrait Photographer Family Shoot in Eastbourne

We may be stuck in the cold of winter, during the third National Lock Down, but I thought that I would share a few images from a fun family photo shoot in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
Between the summer lock downs, I was super busy with family portrait sessions on location. Some were in local parks, other in sunflower fields while others saw me traveling over a hundred miles away to create life long memories for my clients.

Although historically 90% of my work has been photographing weddings all over Europe, the new direction I’m taking, will see me shooting more and more location family portraits sessions. Of course, I do intend to continue shooting weddings, which will always be very special to me, but ideally it will be a more 50-50 split as the variety has refreshed my enthusiasm for my work. After 25 years, its still a huge buzz to work with clients and create very special images that they love.

Anyway, this shoot took about 45 minutes on a warm day in Eastbourne and I thought that I would share just a few moments of this wonderful family.

You can see my wedding and portrait portfolio on my website here and my current work on my Facebook and Instagram pages.
You can view and purchase wall art and fine art prints here.