Wiston House Wedding Photographer

Wiston House Wedding Photographer

I was privileged to photograph the wedding of David and Sigi at the wonderful Wiston House in West Sussex a couple of weeks ago.

You can see some of the images from this magical day here.

The coverage was relatively short by my usual standards but with a wonderful couple, gorgeous venue and some stunningly dramatic light i was able to create some very special images of their big day at Wiston House.

Of course the beauty of having your wedding at such a dramatic venue as Wiston House does help, but as ever being able to use and control the stunning early spring light helps. Its is very easy to miss the boat if as a wedding photographer you don’t have the necessary experience and skills.

After a long day at the Battle Abbey Wedding Show yesterday, i woke early and opened up my emails to catch up with admin over a latee and was extremely humbled but excited to read the email below from David’s mother.

It always give you an amazing feeling to know that your clients and their family and friends are pleased with you hard work and efforts.

Anyway i thought i would share the email.

Dear Peter,
I just wanted to write and personally thank you for the most amazing and stunning photos you took of David and Sigi’s wedding on the 3rd March.
I have so enjoyed looking at them on the website and have ordered a few for my own album.
They capture the loveliness of the bride, the different moods of the day, the wonderful surroundings of Wiston House and the very special moments. I particularly love the photos you took in the chapel and in the corridor of the main house. But they are all superb and it is very hard to choose between them.
We would not hesitate to recommend you; I wish you all the very best.
Kind regards,


You can see my wedding portfolio here and portrait website here.

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