One to One Remote Professional Photography Training

One to One Remote Professional Photography Training. during the COVID-19 crisis is great way to spend the lockdown time. It can help you to learn new idea, get help with a technique or idea without having to break the bank or leave home. I’ve been teaching professional photographers all over the UK for 14 years and thought i would open up my bespoke 1-2-1 training to all.

As people are hopefully spending most of their time indoors at the moment i thought i would open up my Portfolio Reviews at a vastly reduced price of just £50 instead of the usual £150.

Also if you wanted to sign up to either mentoring or a 1-2-1 non-shooting course, i am offing a massive 50% reduction for any booked and take up while the restrictions are still ongoing.

They can take place via Facebook video call, Zoom or Skype.

For more information please feel free to give me a call on 07590 983418, email: or follow the link and enquire via my website.