Wedding Photographer Devon

Devon Wedding Photographer


Wedding Photographer Devon

Introducing our new, stunning home. A 300 year old stone cottage by a pretty brook. In the lovely village of Kingskerswell in South Devon. Still pinching ourselves! Karen and I are very excited about our new life here in the South West!

I will still be offering the usual stunning award winning wedding and portrait photography and the very best customer service throughout the UK.

Current and future clients won’t be affected in anyway.

I fully intend to be shooting weddings at our favourite Sussex wedding venues and especially those where I have been fortunate to have been a recommended photographer at throughout my career. These include the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, Ashdown Park Hotel, Broyle Place, Nutfield Priory , Wiston House, Field Place Manor House, Powdermills Hotel, Bannatyne Spa, Hastings and Swallows Oast . I’d like to thank everyone at these amazing venues for their continued support and look forward to seeing them all very soon as I travel back and forth. As all our family remain in the South East, travelling back for weddings will become long weekends for family visits as well, so its a win win for us!

Of course it goes without saying that I will still be very happy to continue with my location portrait photography in East Sussex too!

As we settle into life in our new village, I will actively be looking to build relationships with Devon Wedding Venues and other Wedding Suppliers. I’m always friendly and very happy to offer support to allied wedding professionals. I built Peter Prior Photography through networking over many years and have made many life long friends through the industry.

If you are a South West Wedding Supplier or Wedding Coordinator of a venue, please feel free to get in touch via the website or give me a call on 07590 983418 so that we can work together as the industry awakes from the past year’s troubles.


Please keep watching for updates on our adventures or follow us on our new Facebook page DEVONAHOLICS. Please follow this link and please LIKE the page.

With the latest raft of restrictions seemingly coming to an end, I will be available to take on portrait and wedding commissions from 12th April. You can book from now by calling 07590 983418 or completing the Enquiry Form on my website.

You can see my wedding and portrait portfolio on my website here and my current work on my Facebook and Instagram pages.

You can also see our local listing on Wed Magazine’s website here.

You can view and purchase wall art and fine art prints here.

Many thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon. Please feel to comment here, on my Facebook page or call if you have any questions at all.

Kind regards,

Peter and Karen

Ashdown Park Hotel Weddings